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What can be done in the time between JEE Mains and JEE Advanced?


Once the JEE Mains exam is over, there is typically an intermediate period of 50 days before candidates sit for the JEE Advanced exam. The time period between the exams is crucial for the candidates. Nevertheless, candidates often get confused about what and how to utilize this time to the best of their abilities. Here, we will talk about how to organize your revision appropriately so that you may take full advantage of this gap.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) administers the computer-based JEE Main 2022 exam for applicants seeking admission to India’s top engineering colleges, including some that you might find on MyAssignmentHelp.com. The dates for the JEE Main 2022 Session 1 and Session 2 tests have officially been released by the NTA. The JEE Main Exam 2022 Session 1 was held between June 23 to June 29, 2022. Moreover, the JEE Main Exam 2022 Session 2 will take place from July 25 onwards.

What to do in the time between JEE mains and JEE advanced exam?

First of all, once the JEE Main exams are over, you should give yourself a one- to two-day break. Additionally, it’s crucial to make sure you stop thinking about your exam performance. Put an end to worrying about your JEE Main rank as that can cause stress and tension. If your mind is caught up thinking about JEE Main rank, it will eventually harm your JEE Advanced 2022 preparation.

The JEE Advanced exam date 2022 is August 28, 2022. Now that you have the final date, it is time to lay out a proper revision plan. The vital thing here is to believe in yourself that you can accomplish whatever you have prepared so far in one month. The JEE Advanced registration window will be open from August 7 to August 12, 2022. Make sure you complete the JEE Advanced registration as per the mentioned dates. 

Before building up a defined schedule for JEE Advanced preparation, you could use some advice from:

Seniors: Reach out to seniors and toppers and ask for their suggestions on how they kept themselves motivated to study for the next exam. Moreover, you can ask about the mistakes that they made, so that you can avoid making the same errors again. 

Internet: Research the important preparation tips on the internet and pen down the vital points that you can include in your personalized preparation plan. 

And for additional guidance, you can explore resources from Myassignmenthelp.com.

Coming on to the JEE Advanced exam preparation, we have made a list of Dos and Don’ts that you can use while preparing your study schedule: 


  • Divide your syllabus into parts. You could use any three symbols or colours like “Green” “yellow” “red” or “Excellent” ”okay” and “poor”. The idea is to categorize your syllabus into the chapters that require the least attention, medium attention, and more attention. Your favourite topics come under the “green or excellent” tab, normal topics into the “yellow or okay” tab, and similarly, put difficult topics into the “red or poor” tab. 
  • Keeping in mind all the subjects and topic difficulty levels, prepare a study schedule. Don’t ignore the subjects who have the least preparation. Make sure to give these topics more of your time and attention. After all, succeeding in just one topic won’t help you pass the JEE Advanced.
  • Practice as many previous year’s sample papers and mock tests. More practice means more clarity on the topics and types of questions. Moreover, you can take a variety of mock tests online and use the results to measure how well you are prepared for the exam.
  • Do focus on time management while attempting questions, mock tests, or sample papers. Watch the time to determine where you are taking longer than necessary. Try to reduce the time it takes to solve certain issues by working on them. It happens that students regret skipping simple questions because they spent too much time on more difficult ones.


  • Do not panic or stress as they are the largest enemy of your success in the JEE Advanced exam. Keep calm and prepare well in a timely manner. 
  • Do not pick up topics that were a part of JEE Main but are excluded from the JEE Advanced syllabus. Go through the JEE Advanced syllabus and cross out the topics that are relevant. 
  • Do not touch upon any new topic at this time as that could be your biggest mistake. Honestly speaking, this is not the time for experimentation. Concentrate your time and energy on the topics that you have already studied beforehand. 

Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to better utilize your time between the JEE Main and JEE Advanced Exam. To keep a track of important updates on the entrance exams, visit CollegeSearch, a global platform that connects students, colleges, and alumni.